Murmurings of Namita GIRLS 並田GIRLSのひとりごと

Hatsumode and Goals for the Year 🐇


Did you all go to Hatsumode?
I went to a nearby shrine for Hatsumode and drew omikuji.
The result was “Sue-Kichi.
It said that I would lose in the beginning, and that my wish would come true but it would take time, which is very subtle.
It said that I should diligently do my assigned duties for now because the time of joyous occasions will come in the near future, so I will believe in the omikuji, work diligently, and wait for the time of joyous occasions.(lol)

And my goals for this year are to learn to play the guitar and to resume my old piano lessons.
At any rate, I would like to practice just one song so that I can perfect it!

I will do my best to make this a year of fulfillment in both my work and private life 🙋.