Murmurings of Namita GIRLS 並田GIRLSのひとりごと

What newspaper is your home?


In this day and age, how many families take a newspaper every day?
In this age of the Internet, newspaper articles can be viewed online under the name of “digital” or “online” and online news can be viewed in various forms.
Are newspaper solicitors who bring detergent or collect money from you a thing of the past?
Well, I still have a newspaper at my parents’ house, but I don’t have a chance to touch it.

Well, since the other day, we have a newspaper on the rack in our cafeteria that can be read freely.

Well, I would never have read “Nikkei Newspaper” unless this had happened, and I would never have known about the existence of “Nikkan Kogyo Newspaper” itself.
I wouldn’t have even known the Nikkan Kogyo Newspaper existed.

Unless I had opened the “Nikkei Newspaper,” I would never have known that November 1 was “Measurement Day. (Laughs.) Starting with “What is weighing? and then I got to “physical quantity,” and then I went to “physical phenomena. I don’t think I was ever at a loss. (Laughs) …

…I’m a liberal arts student.(。-`ω-)

Since we have a newspaper in the cafeteria, I hope I can absorb a little meaningful information, not only from the TV column.