Murmurings of Namita GIRLS 並田GIRLSのひとりごと

I participated in the seminar on “How to Raise Prices without Failure for the Manufacturing Industry”.


Rising energy costs
Rising labor costs
Rising material costs
These are issues that you are also concerned about, are they not?
Of course, this is an important theme for Namitakiko as well.

It was at this time that I learned about and attended a seminar entitled “[You Can Put It Into Practice Right Now in 2 Hours] No-Fail Price Raise Seminar for Manufacturers“.
It was designed to help manufacturing companies overcome the challenges they face in negotiating price increases.
The lecturer was the author of “Convincing the Other Party! An Introduction to Raising Prices for Small and Medium Enterprises“,
He explained how to proceed with price increase negotiations, using specific examples of successes and failures.

I received a copy of the book “Introduction to Raising Prices for Small and Medium Enterprises” 😄.

Raising prices is not only about sales, but also about raising the prices of purchases from cooperating companies and other two-sided initiatives.
We would like to respond as much as possible to the issues of our partner companies, and we would also like to consult with our customers on appropriate price increases.
We attended the seminar to see if there were any hints that would help us build a win-win relationship, not just for our own reasons….

The two-hour seminar went by so fast, I felt it was very useful for my future work because I learned how to actually negotiate with customers and subcontractors based on specific examples and scenarios.

There are many ways to raise prices and receive price increases…
I learned that the government (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, etc.) provides various types of support…
I learned a lot.