Murmurings of Namita GIRLS 並田GIRLSのひとりごと

Drinking with company! (❁´ω`❁)


On Friday, I went for a drink with my company at a place called “Guillotine” near Taisho Station! We had a lot of fun! !⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝

There were many kinds of food from normal to very spicy.(✖︎)Д✖︎)▃▃▃▅▆▇▉🔥🔥🔥ゴォォォ

We had the fried rice “God”!

Thanks to Mr. U, we finished it! (⑉>ᴗ<ノ ノぱチパチパチパチ~!

I was out after a few pieces.(´;ω;`)

Please try it! Please try !!!!!!!!

I hope you all give “God” a try!!!

We are looking forward to your feedback! (I’m looking forward to your feedback!)