Murmurings of Namita GIRLS 並田GIRLSのひとりごと

We purchased a new shredder.


As a matter of fact…
Our shredder that we have been using for 8 years finally broke down…
So we bought a new shredder!

Shredders are used daily to safely dispose of documents printed with your important information.
The old one had to be inserted by hand every time, which was very time-consuming, but this new one has two patterns of shredding, one by pushing it in by hand and the other by just opening the lid and setting it in place.💡🌟
I will take good care of my new shredder and use it for a long time!

And finally…
Thank you all for reading our blog.
The other day, a customer told us that he enjoyed reading our blog, which made us very happy.
We hope you will continue to enjoy reading our blog.
We will be updating it from time to time, so please look forward to it!🎵💜